Monday 12 February 2007

Last Race - and Summer League

Final race in the Women's Meet and Train Winter League will take place at Santry Demesne (the park behind the stadium) on Sunday February 25 (11am). Reg in the Clonliffe club house at the front of the stadium.
A general meeting to finalise dates for the Summer League will take place on Wednesday March 7 at Donore Sportscentre 8pm (Note change!).
The Summer Series, again supported by adidas, acts as a build-up to the Women's Mini Marathon on the June Bank Holiday Monday. That means races of 2 miles, 3 miles and 4 miles; in the past, there was also the Fingallians Ladies 8k, now sadly defunct because of traffic. But on the bright side, the Sportsworld Dublin 5 Mile Classic takes place later these days - this year, it's on Sunday May 13.
Anyway, we invite members of all M&T groups, old and new, to attend this meeting so we can sort out dates and any other business. M&T is pretty informal in its structure and depends on members to undertake a job or two over the year; this year, for instance, Mary Butler from Blackrock is doing the results; Mary McDermott and Sue Lynch from Donore continue to do lots of fiddly things. Karen Marriott from Crusaders is liaising with adidas, Patricia and Paddy from Blackrock and Paddy from Sportsworld are always on hand to help out on race days.
The work isn't hard and the races are good fun, so if there is anything you could do - or if you have any ideas - come along to Donore on Wednesday March 7.

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